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Security Policy and Honor Pledge

After the completion of the exam, you will be given time to write the honor pledge, in your usual handwriting, affirming that you have not cheated or observed anyone else cheating on the exam. If you cannot honestly write the pledge on any given day, you are required to contact the site administrator immediately and explain the circumstances that prevent you from writing the pledge.


Anything not listed in the General Instructions as a Required Item or Permitted Item is a Prohibited Item. Cell phones are Prohibited Items. If you bring a cell phone or any other Prohibited Item into the Secure Area, you may be immediately disqualified from the exam. We may confiscate Prohibited Items from you, and retain them as necessary for inspection. We will report violations to the Board, who could nullify your exam results, conduct a hearing into your character and fitness, and/or take other actions.

The following acts also violate the Security Policy: obtaining, seeking to obtain, providing, or seeking to provide access to exam questions before the start of the exam; copying or receiving any information from any examinee during any testing session; communicating with anyone other than Board staff during any testing session; writing after time is called; taking exam materials outside of the exam room; failing to follow written and oral instructions from the Board; and any other act that might compromise the security or integrity of the exam. Any such misconduct may result in a hearing before the Board, the outcome of which could include nullification of your exam score or a finding that you lack the present good moral character required for admission to the bar.


I have read and understand the Texas Bar Exam Security Policy. I have not given or received aid on the exam, or otherwise violated the Security Policy. If I am aware of anyone else having done so, I have already reported this to the Board of Law Examiners staff.