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Military Attorney Application or Renewal Instructions

Military Attorney Registration and Limited Permission to Practice Law

(For full-time active-duty military attorneys on military assignment in Texas, but not licensed in Texas, requesting limited permission to practice law in Texas.)

If you are a full-time active-duty military officer serving as an attorney in the office of a Staff Judge Advocate of the United States Air Force, Army, Navy, Marines, or Coast Guard, a Naval Legal Service Office, or a Trial Service Office located in the state of Texas, licensed to practice law in another state, not a member of the State Bar of Texas, and seeking limited permission to practice law in Texas without State Bar membership, you may register for permission to appear as an attorney and practice law before the courts and other tribunals of Texas in any civil proceeding subject to the conditions and limitations in Rule 22 of the Rules Governing Admission to the Bar of Texas and applicable law.

The current Rules Governing Admission to the Bar of Texas, and the applicable statutory provisions found in Texas Government Code, Sec. 82.001 et seq., are contained in the Board of Law Examiners’ (Board) rulebook on our website.

To submit t an Application For Military Registration For Rule 22 Limited Permission To Practice In Texas.:

  • Create an ATLAS account on the Board’s website.
  • Complete the Application For Military Registration For Rule 22 Limited Permission To Practice In Texas. After obtaining all required signatures and notarizations, upload the completed application through ATLAS.
  • Pay the filing fee of $25. There is no refund of fees if you withdraw your application, or do not meet all requirements.
  • Upload a Certificate of Good Standing (CGS), showing that you are admitted to practice law and are in good and a current, original certificate of good standing as a member of the bar in any state or territory of the United States or the District of Columbia. The CGS must be issued within 30 days of submitting this application.
  • Training Requirement. A military attorney registration carries with it the obligation to complete at least 15 credit hours of continuing legal education coursework offered by the State Bar of Texas, including at least 3 hours of legal ethics or professional responsibility.
  • Registration Period. A military attorney registration lasts one year. It can be renewed.


Renewing your Registration

To renew a military attorney registration:


  • Fill out an Application For Military Registration For Rule 22 Limited Permission To Practice In Texas. Check the box that states, "I am filing a renewal for Military Registration and have enclosed proof of having completed the continuing legal education requirement." After obtaining all required signatures and notarizations, upload the completed application through ATLAS.
  • Pay the renewal fee of $25.
  • Upload a Certificate of Good Standing (CGS), showing that you are admitted to practice law and are in good and a current, original certificate of good standing as a member of the bar in any state or territory of the United States or the District of Columbia. The CGS must be issued within 30 days of submitting this application.
  • Upload proof that you completed the 15-hour continuing legal education training requirement.